L2 History - Full Year - 2024

History with a difference: examine the concepts of history and its impact on societies across time.

Course Overview

History is the subject that provides the context for our existence; it helps us to understand the ways things were in the past, are in the present and might be in the future. Put simply, history is what it means to be human. The discipline of history is our attempt to investigate, study, explain and reinterpret the past. We frame our investigations and explanations in terms of: cause and consequence; continuity and change; significance; perspective; and, evidence.

The aim of this course is to provide students with the skills to become successful and competent historians. We will study a variety of recent historical events to provide interesting and engaging contexts to develop these skills.


Tags covered include

The Teacher

Tony Baird

0Students 2 Courses

I started teaching back in 1989 at Temuka High School (now called Opihi College) after I finished my degree at the University of Canterbury and teacher training at the Christchurch College of Education. I have a Masters degree in History and History was my favourite subject at school and to teach. I taught at Temuka High School until the mid-90's then moved overseas to Brunei and taught History there for 10 years before returning to New Zealand in the mid-00's. I had a couple of years teaching at Shirley Boys' High School in Christchurch and then I had a break from teaching and worked as the International Manager at the College of Education at the University of Canterbury until Covid came along in 2020. I have been back teaching at Karamea Area School since 2021 where I am now also the Deputy Principal - which keeps me busy!

Course Details

Have a love for history.
Developed critical and analytical thinking skills.
Engaged in research using valid practices.
Grow your digital and collaborative learning practices.

A good level of English is required.
Zoom; Google Currents
School Year
31 Jan 2024
20 Nov 2024

NCEA Level 2
Standard No * Standard title credit value Internal/External
91229 v2 Carry out an inquiry of an historical event or place that is of significance to New Zealanders 4 Internal
91230 v2 Examine an historical event or place that is of significance to New Zealanders 5 Internal
91232 v2 Interpret different perspectives of people in an historical event that is of significance to New Zealanders 4 Internal
91434 v2 Research an historical event or place of significance to New Zealanders, using primary and secondary sources 5 Internal
91435 v2 Analyse an historical event, or place, of significance to New Zealanders 5 Internal
91437 v2 Analyse different perspectives of a contested event of significance to New Zealanders 5 Internal

Online, open source text books are used in this course.

Learning Exchange

1.00 placement

OR Cost


0 - 22

Offered by

Karamea Area School
Karamea Area School

Level (NCEA)

Yes - L2

Course Dates

31 Jan 2024

till 20 Nov 2024


School Year

Taught in


Overall Rating

Learning Exchange

1.00 placement

OR Cost


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