Registering as a Learner
In many cases your school will have already registered you, so you will already be able to Login to Journey using the “Sign in with Google” option and your normal school username (email address) and password. However if you are new to Journey, you will need to complete the “Signup” process to register.
To do this:
(1) Click on the “Signup” button on the top RHS of Journey homepage
(2) If your school is a Google (or you are using GMail) choose the “Signup with Google” option and follow the steps, clicking on “Learner” (or “Teacher” or “Organisation”), and selecting your school/organisation by beginning to type its name; and then “Save”
2(b). Non Google accounts - complete the popup form, making sure select your school/organisation by beginning to type its name; and then “Create Account”
[ NB non-school learners should choose “Homeschool” or “Adult Learner” in the “Select box” ]
Once registered you can login and begin actively using Journey yo do things like: “liking” courses you want to save; self-enrol in a programmes of learning you want to enrol in. Once logged in your dashboard as a gateway to the courses you enrol in
How does a school enrol a student in a course? (eDean/School Administrators)
Before you start, make sure you have your students details [ Name*, Email address*, NZQA NSN, DoB, Year level (in the year they will do the online course) ] and you know which school is the provider of the course being enrolled in (- find this out by searching for the course and then looking at the course page)
STEP 1 (only needs to be completed if this is the first time the student has done a Journey/NetNZ course)
- Log in as your school’s administrator , and go to the “Learners” tab; click on the “Add a Learner” button to add the learner’s details. Press “Next” then “Save”
STEP 2 Go to the “Our Enrolment” tab and click on “Add New Enrolment”
- “Select” your learner from the alphabetically order list of your school’s learner
- Choose the providing “Organisation” and then the course you want to enrol this student in
- Press “Submit” (you can keep enrolling more student if you want)
Finally go back to “Our Enrolments” and “Approve” all students with “Action required” beside them (using the “Action” dropdown menu)
Can I enrol myself in a course? (Learners)