L2 Geography - Full Year - 2024

NCEA L2 Geography

Course Overview

Geography is the study of our world as the home of people. It is an exciting and distinctive discipline at the interface between Science and Arts. Geography seeks to explore the various landscapes around us and how they change over time. This includes considering what may happen in the future and investigating the relationships and connections between people and various natural and cultural environments.


This course will develop the understanding of Geography as it relates to the NZ Curriculum (level 7),  offering ways to understand how the processes shape natural and cultural environments and how they change over time, vary in scale and place to place, and create spatial patterns.


In this course, you will gain knowledge about the world around you, and acquire geographical skills such as graphing, mapping, research methodology, statistical analysis, values interpretation, and report writing. You will also develop an understanding of geographic ideas and global issues. 


Your learning and assessment will be achieved by demonstrating a Geographic Understanding of...

- Urban Patterns: [A Study of an Urban Settlement - Internal Assessment]

- A Contemporary New Zealand Geographic Issue - [Issue to be determined]

- Aspects of a Geographic Topic at a Global Scale - [Issue to be determined]

- Geographic Concepts and Skills to demonstrate an understanding of a given environment [External Examination]

- Understanding of a Large Natural Environment - [Fieldwork-based data gathering for External Examination]


As Barack Obama noted, "The study of geography is about more than just memorizing places on a map. It's about understanding the complexity of our world, and appreciating the diversity of cultures that exist across the continents. And in the end, it's about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together."






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The Teacher

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Sue Peoples

0Students 1 Courses

Kia ora Team Writing about oneself is hard but here we go. Basic facts - born in Auckland… yep a JAFA – but I’ve lived in Auckland, Cromwell, Christchurch, Dunedin, Aoraki Mt Cook and Te Anau. I have had four careers including a schoolteacher (~ 25 years), AgResearch scientist, lecturer, and DOC Ranger. I have a PhD in Geography and am passionate about the subject. Hobbies include motorbikes, sports (Otago Supporter!), books, building stuff, gardening, and travel. If I was not teaching, I would be farming as I love the outdoors and animals. Finally, welcome to Geo2024.

Course Details

Understand the geography of large natural environment e.g., Amazon Rain Forest, or, Aoraki Mt Cook National Park.
Understand an urban pattern by describing and explaining spatial and/or temporal variations e.g., Queenstown.
Understand a topic at a global scale e.g., Global Piracy.
Understand a contemporary New Zealand geographic issue e.g., Freedom Camping.

Social Sciences
Good paragraph and essay writing skills only. Some geographic skills will have to be learned by the student in their own time, e.g. mapping.
Google Meet, Google Spaces
School Year
08 Feb 2024
19 Nov 2024

NCEA Level 2
Standard No * Standard title credit value Internal/External Completion
91241 Demonstrate geographic understanding of an urban pattern 3 Internal
91245 Explain aspects of a contemporary New Zealand geographic issue 3 Internal
91246 Explain aspects of a geographic topic at a global scale 3 Internal
91240 Demonstrate geographic understanding of a large natural environment 4 External
91243 Apply geography concepts and skills to demonstrate understanding of a given environment 4 External
91244 Conduct geographic research with guidance 5 Internal

"Geography 2.4 Apply Concepts and Geographic Skills" Fourth Edition Evans and Osborne Edify LTD "Geography on the Edge" Newton and Peat Nelson Cengage Learning 'A composite pdf booklet to be printed off and written in' - Provided by Dr. P

Learning Exchange

1.00 placement

OR Cost


1 - 18

Offered by

Fiordland College
Fiordland College

Level (NCEA)

Yes - L2

Course Dates

08 Feb 2024

till 19 Nov 2024


School Year

Taught in


Overall Rating

Learning Exchange

1.00 placement

OR Cost


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