L1 Te Reo Māori - Full Year

NCEA L1 Te Reo Māori (for experienced reo Māori learners).

Course Overview

Ākonga will learn a range of language structures and features over the year with an emphasis on developing communicative interactive skills/ kōrero.

Specific communicative focus will be on:

Ko tōku tūrangawaewae - my place to stand

Kō mātou ko ōku hoa - my daily and weekly activities

Whakawhiti kōrero - conversations

Te whakapātanga - the impact of past events on te reo Māori with a focus on Kāi Tahu and Te Waipounamu. 

Tā te ākonga - student initiated kaupapa.


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Maya Tate-Manning

1Students 8 Courses

Nau mai, piki mai e ngā rangatahi o ngā tai e whā ki te Akomanga Reo Māori! Nō Suomi me Airani ōku tupuna, heoi anō, I tipu ake aku i te taha o te puke o Matainaka, i te taha o awa Waikouaiti. I te rohe ā-iwi o Kāi Tahu. Ko Whaea Maya tōku ingoa. E noho ana mātou ko tōku whanau i Ōtepoti. Ko au tētahi o ngā kaiako reo Māori ki te Kura Tuarua o Kingi ināianai, e mihi ana. Welcome to all of you from the 4 shores to the reo Māori class. My ancestors are from Finland & Ireland, however I grew up sheltered by the hill Matainaka, beside the Waikouaiti river, in the area of Kāi Tahu. My name is Whaea Maya, My whānau and I live in Dunedin. I am a now one of the reo Māori teachers at Kings High School in Dunedin. I've been teaching NCEA reo Māori for 7 years. ko tōku waimārie hoki!

Course Details

Te Rere o te Reo: Students will use language strategies to develop their fluency in Te Reo Māori
Te Māori o te Reo
Te Tika o te Reo: Students will learn how to use language accurately
Te Ora o te Reo: Students will consider the impact of historical factors on the vitality of te reo Māori before 1970

Have a foundation in Year 9 & 10 Te Reo Māori or equivalent, and are able to understand te reo at a basic level.
Google Meet; Google Spaces
School Year
30 Jan 2025
19 Nov 2025

NCEA Level 1
Standard No * Standard title credit value Internal/External
92092 v3 Te kōrerorero i ngā pārongo i ngā ariā me ngā whakaaro 5 Internal
92093 v3 Te whakapuaki whakaaro e pā ana ki tētahi horopaki e ora nei te reo 5 Internal
92094 v3 Te whakautu i te māramatanga ki te reo Māori me ōna mātāpono i tētahi horopaki e taunga ana 5 External
92095 v3 Te tuhi e pā ana ki tētahi horopaki e taunga ana 5 External
US30738 Kōrero kia taumata tūāpapa te reo Māori mō te mana whenua 4 Internal

Learning Exchange

1.00 placement

OR Cost


2 - 16

Offered by

Kings High School (Dunedin)
Kings High School (Dunedin)

Level (NCEA)

Yes - L1

Course Dates

30 Jan 2025

till 19 Nov 2025


School Year

Taught in


Overall Rating

Learning Exchange

1.00 placement

OR Cost


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