L1 History: Famous Places and Faces - Full Year

This course will discover famous events and people who have influenced the world.

Course Overview

This course will look at important events in the 20th century such as The Bombing of the Rainbow Warrior and the Black Civil Rights Movement. You will get to research a famous person and describe and explain their impact.

This course will also develop valuable skills such as researching, annotating sources and assessing them for reliability and usefulness

You will also have an opportunity to present your findings in creative ways.

During our meetings we will discuss the week's work. Look at impacts of key events and discuss the influences on society.

Underpinning the course will be a set of key concepts that will be part of the course work.


The Teacher

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Karen Blick

0Students 8 Courses

Hi, I'm Miss Blick. I have been HOD at Taieri College since 2013, before that I taught at Chanel College in Masterton. Besides teaching History I love playing golf, and I am also kept busy with playing Trombone with the Mosgiel Brass Band. I started teaching online in 2021. History has always been a favourite subject of mine since my high school days.

Course Details

Be able to assess sources for reliability and usefulness.
Be able to present information coherently ( for internal assessment).
Be able to describe differing perspectives and explain people's actions.

A passion for all things History!
Google Spaces, Google Meet, other online technologies
School Year
30 Jan 2025
21 Nov 2025

NCEA Level 1
Standard No * Standard title credit value Internal/External
92024 v1 Engage with a variety of primary sources in a historical context. 5 Internal
92025 v1 Demonstrate understanding of the significance of a historical context. 5 Internal
92026 v1 Demonstrate understanding of historical concepts in contexts of significance to Aotearoa New Zealand 5 External

Learning Exchange

1.00 placement

OR Cost


1 - 15

Offered by

Taieri College
Taieri College

Level (NCEA)

Yes - L1

Course Dates

30 Jan 2025

till 21 Nov 2025


School Year

Taught in


Overall Rating

Learning Exchange

1.00 placement

OR Cost


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