L1 Digital Technology - Full Year ???

The course will be divided into the two modules: digital information and digital media.

Course Overview

Digital technologies impact on every aspect of our lives and are vitally important to New Zealand’s growth in the 21st century. Students in New Zealand need opportunities to develop knowledge and skills with digital technologies so they are equipped to respond to rapid changes in our society. The course will include coding with HTML/CSS and Python as well as designing and developing digital outcomes.

The Teacher

Gavin Agnew

0Students 7 Courses

Course Details

Write accurately, debug and improve code to create an outcome.
Use basic design principles and conventions to produce outcomes fit for purpose.
Develop a design for a digital outcome.
Develop a computer programme.

Digital Technology
Zoom VC, Canvas OLE, Google Currents
School Year
02 Feb 2025
23 Feb 2026

NCEA Level 1
Standard No * Standard title credit value Internal/External
92004 v1 Create a computer program 5 Internal
92005 v1 Develop a digital technologies outcome 5 Internal
92006 v1 Demonstrate understanding of usability in human-computer interfaces 5 External
92007 v1 Design a digital technologies outcome 5 External

Personal device for video classes - capable of running Zoom and installing software required by course. Headphones with integral microphone for video conferences. Office 365 Subscription - free when registered by Student's school - installed on personal device.

Learning Exchange

1.00 placement

OR Cost


2 - 15

Offered by

Mount Hutt College
Mount Hutt College

Level (NCEA)

Yes - L1

Course Dates

02 Feb 2025

till 23 Feb 2026


School Year

Taught in


Overall Rating

Learning Exchange

1.00 placement

OR Cost


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