Senior Criminal Minds - 2024

A study of crime and the criminal

Course Overview

A study of crime and the criminal mind. Explore the psychology behind crime.

The criminal justice system determines the guilt or otherwise of an accused, and imposes sanctions on a guilty person. But what lies behind the mind of an offender?  What factors contribute to offending? In this course, you will investigate different crimes to learn about the key concepts in law. You will use theories from psychology to try to explain the behavior of the criminal mind to an applied case.

This course mixes subject areas such as Law, Psychology, Science and English. A range of NCEA standards are applicable

This is senior course available to year 12 and 13s

Tags covered include

The Teacher

Elizabeth Hannah

0Students 15 Courses

Course Details

Understand the psychology behind the criminal mind
Think critically
Understand how to examine a crime scene

Law, Psychology, English, Science
School Year
31 Jan 2024
24 Feb 2025

NCEA Level 3
Standard No * Standard title credit value Internal/External
91875 v1 Analyse how theories are applied within a field of psychological practice 4 Internal
27840 v3 Evaluate a concept of justice in relation to an actual situation 4 Internal
8995 v5 Evaluate a social institution 4 Internal
27849 v3 Evaluate a law making process in relation to a significant legal issue. 4 Internal

Learning Exchange

1.00 placement

OR Cost


6 - 20

Offered by

Logan Park High School
Logan Park High School

Level (NCEA)

Yes - L3

Course Dates

31 Jan 2024

till 24 Feb 2025


School Year

Taught in


Overall Rating

Learning Exchange

1.00 placement

OR Cost


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