L3 Japanese - Full Year (KA)

Extend your ability to understand and communicate in Japanese.

Course Overview

Level three Japanese will extend your ability to understand and communicate in Japanese beyond the comfort of familiar contexts. You will be challenged with a range of more complex tasks and “real life” language. You will be encouraged to question, compare and contrast, give advice and recommendations, express your personal point of view and evaluate the views of others on a variety of topics by stating your opinions/reactions to other opinions, and provide supporting evidence/examples.


Topics covered include:

  • Prepared spoken presentation

  • Interaction and writing portfolios

  • Listening and reading comprehension tasks

Tags covered include

The Teacher

Gillian Gordon

0Students 1 Courses

Course Details

Students must have completed 3 Standards at Level 2 either internal or external. Alternative entry on a case by case basis in consultation with the teacher.
Zoom; Google Classroom
School Year
03 Feb 2025
18 Nov 2025

NCEA Level 3
Standard No * Standard title credit value Internal/External Completion
91554 v1 Give a clear spoken presentation in Japanese that communicates a critical response 3 Internal End of Term 2
91555 v1 Interact clearly using spoken Japanese to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives in different situations 6 Internal End of Term 3
91557 v1 Write a variety of text types in clear Japanese to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives. 5 Internal Mid Term 3
91553 v2 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of extended spoken Japanese texts. 5 External Term 4
91556 v2 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of extended written and/or visual Japanese texts. 5 External Term 4

Downloadable workbooks & grammar resources, L3 Japanese class site, Education Perfect site.

Learning Exchange

1.00 placement

OR Cost


5 - 18

Offered by

Otaki College
Otaki College

Level (NCEA)

Yes - L3

Course Dates

03 Feb 2025

till 18 Nov 2025


School Year

Taught in


Overall Rating

Learning Exchange

1.00 placement

OR Cost


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