L3 Health - Full Year - 2024

NCEA L3 - Health

Course Overview

This course will explore a chosen health issue in depth and explore health practices currently being undertaken in New Zealand. You will explore contemporary ethical issues in relation to well-being and will look at and explore Health promotion models.

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The Teacher

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Lynda Walsh-Pasco

0Students 27 Courses

My name is Mrs Walsh-Pasco and I have been taking L3 PE for many years now. I love seeing the personal growth students make doing this course and then where they end up heading in their future. I love skiing and spending time sailing on Lake Wanaka.

Course Details

Evaluate health practices currently used in New Zealand.
Analyse a New Zealand health issue.
Analyse a contemporary ethical issue in relation to well-being.
Analyse an international health issue.

NCEA L2 Health
Google Meet , Google Docs, Google sites and Google Spaces
School Year
31 Jan 2024
20 Nov 2024

NCEA Level 3
Standard No * Standard title credit value Internal/External
91461 v2 Analyse a New Zealand health issue. 5 Internal
91463 v2 Evaluate health practices currently used in New Zealand. 5 Internal
91464 v2 Analyse a contemporary ethical issue in relation to well-being. 4 Internal
91465 v2 Evaluate models for health promotion. 5 External
91462 v2 Analyse an international health issue. 5 External

Health at NCEA level 2 needs Health workbook and ESA guide workbook (approx $35) and ESA Textbook ($38.00).

Learning Exchange

1.00 placement

OR Cost


2 - 22

Offered by

Roxburgh Area School
Roxburgh Area School

Level (NCEA)

Yes - L3

Course Dates

31 Jan 2024

till 20 Nov 2024


School Year

Taught in


Overall Rating

Learning Exchange

1.00 placement

OR Cost


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