L3 Digital Technology: Web Design (KA) - Full Year

Investigate and critique what is good web design

Course Overview


This course will allow the students to develop a website solution for a client’s business (such as a parent, relation or friend) They will use  research and client  feedback, to propose a design to their client, and then implement their design in a website. The outcome  will be a responsive website using HTML, CSS PHP and Javascript where appropriate. There will be an introduction to using a MYSQL database to store relevant information such as page content, feedback forms, and product lists.  The database standard allows the development of a fully interactive solution for a business to better manage their interaction with end-users.



Topics covered include:

    • Research on considerations about what would make a good website design for a real client, thinking about the implications that need to be considered in its creation.

    • Develop a website that displays equally well on desktops and mobile(is responsive), uses a researched gallery layout and links to data stored in a database

    • Develop a database that allows users/customers to view and select items, and allows the client to see customers interactions and to easily modify and update website content.

Tags covered include

The Teacher

Jesse Watson

0Students 1 Courses

Course Details

Students need to be able to work independently on their project. It is preferred that the students have some knowledge of HTML and CSS, but this is not essential. Previous L1 and or L2 Digital helpful
Google Classroom; Zoom
School Year
06 Feb 2025
28 Nov 2025

NCEA Level 3
Standard No * Standard title credit value Internal/External Completion
91902 Use complex techniques to develop a database 4 Internal
91903 Use complex techniques to develop a digital media outcom 4 Internal
91909 Present a reflective analysis of developing a digital outcome 3 External
91901 Apply user experience methodologies to develop a design for a digital technologies outcome 3 Internal
91900 v1 (optional) Conduct a critical inquiry to propose a digital technologies outcome-( booklet available if you wish to complete.) 6 Internal

Google Account. It is essential students have their own Mac or Windows device which can run XAMPP webserver software which they can work on during the video sessions, their digital study time and at home as it is a practical subject.

Learning Exchange

1.00 placement

OR Cost


1 - 18

Offered by

Thames High School
Thames High School

Level (NCEA)

Yes - L3

Course Dates

06 Feb 2025

till 28 Nov 2025


School Year

Taught in


Overall Rating

Learning Exchange

1.00 placement

OR Cost


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