L2 Digital Technology - Full Year (KA)

This course will allow students to create digital outcomes by following project management processes

Course Overview


  • Plan and develop a 3D digital media outcome using open-source modelling and/or media software

  • Design, develop and trial a database for a small community group.

  • Present a summary of digital outcome project development

The Teacher

Wayne Carroll

0Students 1 Courses

Course Details

Write accurately, debug and improve code to create an outcome.
Use basic design principles and conventions to produce outcomes fit for purpose.
Develop a design for a digital outcome.
Develop a computer programme.

Digital Technology
Zoom; Google Classroom
School Year
06 Feb 2025
21 Nov 2025

NCEA Level 2
Standard No * Standard title credit value Internal/External Completion
91893 v1 Use advanced techniques to develop a digital media outcome 4 Internal
91899 v1 Present a summary / analysis of developing a digital outcome 3 External
91354 v3 Undertake brief development to address an issue 4 Internal
91892 v1 Use advanced techniques to develop a database 4 Internal

Personal device for video classes - capable of running Zoom and installing software required by course. Headphones with integral microphone for video conferences. Office 365 Subscription - free when registered by Student's school - installed on personal device.

Learning Exchange

1.00 placement

OR Cost


2 - 15

Offered by

Excellere College
Excellere College

Level (NCEA)

Yes - L2

Course Dates

06 Feb 2025

till 21 Nov 2025


School Year

Taught in


Overall Rating

Learning Exchange

1.00 placement

OR Cost


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