Beginner/L1 reo Māori

A course for students from year 10 to year 12 who want to start learning te reo Māori.

Course Overview

This course introduces te reo Māori to students who have not followed the usual pattern of starting in year 9. It covers basic conversation, basic grammar, talking about whakapapa and whanau, and talking about their own lives and interests. Students may attempt various Achievement Standards or Unit Standards depending on their level of progress in the course.

Tags covered include

The Teacher

Hutana Maxwell

0Students 1 Courses

Course Details

Say your mihi
Talk about yourself and your world in Te Reo Māori
Understand and perform a variety of karakia and waiata
Explain elements of tikanga Māori using examples to support your explanation

Google Meet; Google Spaces
School Year
28 Jan 2025
08 Dec 2026

Standard No * Standard title credit value Internal/External Completion
27106 v2 The Terms Connected With Whakapapa And Use Terms Within One's Own Whakapapa 2 Internal
US27105 Describe and explain the seperation of Ranginui and Papatuanuku 2 Internal
US27108 Describe the protocols and roles associated with pōwhiri in accordance to Tikanga 2 Internal
US16165 Describe a Hui and roles associated with Hui in accordance with Tikanga and/or Kawa 2 Internal
US16054 Describe the life, achievements and impact of a Māori leader 3 Internal
US29319 Describe the deeds and roles of selected Atua Māori 3 Internal

Learning Exchange

1 placement

OR Cost


1 - 15

Offered by

Wakatipu High School
Wakatipu High School

Level (NCEA)


Course Dates

28 Jan 2025

till 08 Dec 2026


School Year

Taught in


Overall Rating

Learning Exchange

1 placement

OR Cost


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