NetNZ Teaching: Foundations

An introduction to the values that underpin NetNZ networked learning and teaching

Course Overview

This is a short microcredentialed programme which introduces teachers/kaiako to the values that underpin all NetNZ programmes: Ako; Whanaungatanga; Mahi ngātahi; and Manaakitanga.

The programmes aims to strengthen your understanding of these pedagogical values, and to consider how these provide the foundations for online communities of learners where all ākonga have agency and 'voice', their culture and 'identity' is valued and supported, and they grow as confident lifelong learners.

Ako ngātahi auaha - what will this mean for you, your ākonga and NetNZ programmes you teach?

Groups of 5-10 Kaiako will


The Teacher

Profile Image

Ken Pullar

0Students 1 Courses

Bonjour- Je m'appelle Madame Gayleen Mackereth / Buenos dias- me llamo Senora Gayleen Mackereth Let me introduce myself. My name is Gayleen Mackereth. I have been Head of Languages at a number of Auckland and Waikato secondary schools and I am a very experienced teacher of languages. In 2004 I was also an E-Fellow working with schools to teach languages online in order to analyse the best student outcomes. I was teaching in schools until I was knocked off my bike cycling to school and can no longer walk well. Since my accident, I have been teaching online to students from around the world, and now in New Zealand. I have led many student trips to Europe, Japan and New Caledonia and you may see a few photos of my students in the work I give you. We live on a small block with our 3 Wiltshire sheep and our dog Ollie (who is a "Pound Pup" - we rescued him). We also have a bigger farm up North running cattle. Despite my accident I still swim most mornings and I also ride with Riding for the Disabled. I am looking forward to getting to know you all. A bientôt / Hasta luego

Course Details

Understand Ako and consider how it can be applied when teaching online
Understand Ako and consider how it can be applied when teaching online

School Year
29 Oct 2024
29 Nov 2024




0 - 20

Offered by


Level (NCEA)


Course Dates

29 Oct 2024

till 29 Nov 2024


School Year

Taught in


Overall Rating



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